Author and Illustrator: David Wiesner
Genre: Picture book, Children
First Published: April 22, 1991
Book Description: David Wiesner received the 1991 Caldecott Medal for Tuesday. In the years that followed, he went on to receive two more Caldecotts, and Tuesday went on to sell half a million copies in the United States and to be published in a dozen foreign countries. Now, with remarkable advances in the technology of color reproduction, the original artwork for Tuesday is being reproduced anew, for an edition even more faithful to the palette and texture of David Wiesner’s watercolor paintings. The whimsical account of a Tuesday when frogs were airborne on their lily pads will continue to enchant readers of all ages.
It was a quiet Tuesday evening at the pond. Suddenly, something strange happened as the frogs on their lily pads began to levitate. They traveled through the nearby town, visiting a woman watching TV, a man having a snack, and even a dog running through a yard. The book only indicates the day and time, leaving the rest up to the reader's imagination. Children adore the watercolor illustrations and the surreal story that unfolds. The idea of frogs traveling on lily pads is truly enchanting and leaves us wondering how they did it. Will they return next Tuesday? Only time will tell.
I have to admit that I a, an amateur in children's books and even more on Picture books, but being David is such a well-known author this is a good spot to start. I'll see what else by him I am able to find. Hopefully, I can get it from the library.

This was used for the challenges:
Children books.
#30DaysWild2023 for the Scales and swimmers: Think Frogs, lizards, snakes, fish or snails.