Original title: Lost tiempos de odio
Series: Bruna Husky #3
Author: Rosa Montero
Genre: Sci-Fi, Spanish literature, Dystopia, Thriller
First published October 30, 2018
Book description: Independent, unsociable, intuitive, and powerful, replicant detective Bruna Husky has only one vulnerable point: her big heart. When Inspector Lizard disappears without a trace, the detective launches a desperate search against the cop's clock. Her investigation leads her to a remote colony of the New Old Ones, a sect that renounces technology, as well as to trace the origins of a dark plot of power that dates back to the 16th century. Meanwhile, the world situation becomes more and more convulsive, the populist tension increases and civil war seems inevitable. Bruna will have to face her greatest fear, death, in a story that is an accurate and dazzling portrait of the times in which we live.
This is the 3rd entry of the Huska Bruna series, we see the same protagonists, and they share the same philosophy and thoughts. There has been no character growth so that simply makes the enjoyment impossible to grow.
I do continue to feel secondhand embarrassment for Bruna when she's with her detective lover. She is so desperate, he is so closed off. He shows no care, or warmth towards her. They only get together to have sex, both are very off-putting with each other. Talk very brusquely, and seem to not want emotions to cloud their judgment towards each other.
This book series does have great social commentary mostly focused on:
Discrimination over physical differences, religious beliefs, and socioeconomic situations.
The way money will be buying even the most basic needs- in this world, you can buy rights for air, if you do not have the amount of money you are not allowed to live near trees. You are kicked off to live in contaminated areas where your life expectancy will diminish.
The medical service can cure anything- again you are allowed to die if you can't pay for it. Cancer, radiation poisoning- you can be dying and have a few hours left to live. You suddenly have money- the treatment is administered and bum the person is healthy in a few hours instead.
There are a lot of things very interesting conversations can be had. Androids are a thing but the question becomes- how many rights do they have? Can they be considered humans? Etc
The writing style and format are similar in the three books, so it makes it very easy to read and get through. But since book one, my enjoyment was only lukewarm, by the end, my opinion had not improved much.

The series is translated into French and English by now. It can eb found in Amazon. Two books are so far available: Tears in rain and weight of the heart. https://www.amazon.com/Weight-Heart-Bruna-Husky-Book-ebook/dp/B01A0J4LS2
I used this book for the challenges:
Spanish/Latin author
Works in Spanish
Translated works