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Setepmber 2023 Wrap up

Writer's picture: Sonia PerezSonia Perez

I am doing very well in the yearly challenge.

I'm surprised I have managed to read this many. But mostly I want to know how the books ahead are calculated, both Storygraph and GoodReads have the same books read yet their books ahead are different.

By ignoring all possible responsibilities and having no self-control when creating TBRs of course.

Let's look at a bit of a scope of my total reads of the month. Side note this is the first month in a while where I finished all of my books, no books will be carried over that have already been started to read. I did not complete all my TBR.

Most of my reading was audiobooks. A bit over 60%, mostly because Mixed media for me means that I have the Audio and physical or ebook but guess which is the one I turn to the most? That's right, audio.

As per quantity, it was a lot. It did not feel like a chore because I was flying through my books, especially with the audiobooks. There were a lot of times when I was able to complete mindless tasks while listening to my books. Unfortunately other projects among them, the update of the blog here suffered a hit.

I was hitting a few hitches, not that made me stop reading but the last few days I kept running into books that felt ok but they were not bringing me the same joy. I couldn't find a specific thing faulty in some and in others, I had a very particular itch.

After taking a look, it wasn't awful I just had a lot of middle-of-the-road books and I even had a 5-star read. My average rating was of 3.0, that's not bad, really. So I guess it was just an end-of-the-month blues I had going on. I don't want to point fingers but the only other thing I can mention is that it was a month where most of my reads were YA. Another thing that has not happened in a while.

For genres, I had a very good range of them.

The top 3 were Contemporary, Mystery/Thriller, and Fantasy.

Most of my books were not from my owned TBR. At least it seems like I'm getting the most for my bookish subscription. I have not resumed Scribd and will probably not go back to it for a couple more months.

I am using a bit of the library but I wish to try to be more consistent.

Other random little stats I like to look at:

So my rereads are not as purposeful as previous years. I did not set aside any specific things to get to and they are more of a spur-of-the-moment thing, even so I am doing good on that front.

I have shifted my reading towards more standalone, not exactly on purpose but it works well.

In my attempt to complete series; I'm not doing great. I started the double amount of the ones I finished, which is very on-brand with me.

Moving on, let's divide them based on the authors:

Very close to 50-50. Not bad.

Once more very skewed towards white, as it's a lot of the mainstream easy access I have around me.

We have a bit of them here but most of them are from our usual places- the biggest chunk is once more USA.

Lastly Expenses and savings. So I did practice a bit of self-control and did not buy too many books, thankfully.

As for savings is more of an imaginary thing. For every book I borrow from the library or through a subscription, I calculate how much money it could have cost me to get. So it gives me a nice peace of mind and I feel like I was financially responsible.

This concludes the wrap-up for this month. I wasn't able to review each book read. As usual, if I read a lot that means that I stop keeping up with the rest of my projects. I have been struggling to find a nice balance with things. I will try to do better next month and we'll see how it turns out.



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