Author: Benito Perez Galdos
Genre: Classic, Spanish Literature, Romance
Publication date: 1878
Narrator From Scribd): Laura Garcia
Playback: 2hrs 21m
Publisher: Yoyo USA Audio
Book description: The story —in which the great dichotomies of later Galdosian work are already found: reality versus imagination, progress versus ignorance, charity versus social justice— draws much of its dramatic power from the moving figure of its protagonist, who, in love with the blind Pablo Penáguilas, prefers to die before he, once his sight is restored, can contemplate her ugliness.
This is a reread, but it had been a long since I first read this. It was a great ride the second time around. It's one of those stories you can reread and enjoy just as much as you did the first time around. There has to be several translations available but the great part about the classics is that some are already part the Project Gutenberg and free in ebook format. You can find it at https://www.gutenberg.org/files/48818/48818-h/48818-h.htm
We have here a tragic lovely story about a poor orphan girl named Marianela, but almost everyone calls her "la Nela". She has been left alone since very small, and people treat her awfully but having nothing better as an example, she thinks it's normal to be abused like that. She is taken in by the foreman's family, and as they live in a town where the main industry is mining- she is constantly told how useless she is, why?
Well, she's malnourished therefore, she is small, scrawny, and of weak complexion. She is very used to being considered useless, good for nothing and she wholeheartedly agrees with that assessment about herself. As a weak, ugly, and deformed girl, she finds her only way to be of use- she plays as a guide to the estate's young son, Pablo.
The blind boy Pablo, is a very annoying young man, since I started reading it he comes across as a vain and self-righteous young man. He just loves la Nela, as she acts as his eyes and is able to describe the world in a way that makes him feel like he is experiencing it. He treats her as a pet, or as a dim-witted person, so its very condescending but of course she loves him as he's the only one who seems to care at all about the poor orphan girl.
Pablo is convinced that because La Nela, is so kind and gentle she must be beautiful. He insists on this aspect to anyone around him, the townspeople use this as a mocking for the orphan girl. Everyone knows and goes out of their way to let her know how hideous she is.
I will not go into any more details, this is a very quick and a bit short read. Be aware, it will make you cry probably and it will arise anger against the thoughtless people portrayed.

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