August was a very good reading month for me overall. It started very strong even if it did dip a bit towards the end.
Again the main format for me was Audio.
I am getting better at putting books down, I DNF-ed 10. The most I have ever DNF in a single month.
I am definitely using most of my subscriptions. I have cancelled Scrib so I will verify if using Rakuten Kobo is better than it and decide which I like better.
I did have a nice range of genres
Surprisingly, the most popular was Historical Fiction. Funny how that used to be a genre I wanted to like but kept floundering without finding any that caught my eye or kept my interest enough to pick them up. The second place was taken by Nonfiction. The last few months have proven that my taste is ever-changing.
I will try to get to more Sci-Fi and Fantasy. We'll see what happens.
I have continued to work on my goal of continuing/ending series.
I have started 4 series and only completed one. So I have a few things to work on, but I will give this one as a win. I am working towards it steadily.
I participated in a few reading challenges