For the Orilium Spring Equinox, I read x out of x. So this year I did pass, I'm well on my way to becoming a Demonologist. I need to keep my high spirits for the upcoming Autumn Equinox semester.
We're already halfway through May and I haven't posted April's wrap-up. We're here to remedy that situation. Overall April was a fantastic reading month for me.

I got through 33 amount of books.

As you can see there are mostly digital formats. It is an easier and more convenient thing to do especially as I have been doing a lot of on-the-go reading. Audiobooks have become my favorite format. That's what I gravitate towards first nowadays.
I have been trying to decide what subscriptions to carry on or if I should try new ones so in that regard I'm going to try to keep track of the places where I get my books with closer attention.

I do need to try to get more to the Library, I had started ok, but since winter hit and the bad weather was getting in the way, I kind of lost practice on going to the library. I should drop by again and continue to get my hands on books through them. I could always explore their eBook selection as well.
I did try to read diversely but let's be honest, it became a thing in the back of my mind. I did have a few readathons I wanted to participate in.
For AYearathon I read

Overall I was lucky with my picks.
For The Buzzwordathon I read

For the Orilium Spring Equinox, I read x out of x. So this year I did pass, I'm well on my way to becoming a Demonologist. I need to keep my high spirits for the upcoming Autumn Equinox semester.

As for the different book genres, I think I also did ok. The main one I focused on was historical, which was surprising really. Followed by Sci-Fi which fits more with my usual reading tastes. But I had a few of everything, so that makes me happy.

The other aspect I'm trying very much to be mindful of is the representation included in books.

The most common was multiple- it includes mostly a combination of mental health and queer characters at the same time. The second most common was a combination of racial and mental or religious. So far I'm doing good in this aspect, most of the reads have some representation I'm looking for.
The other main focus I had was based on the authors:
Author Gender

In a weird turn of events Female-Male, we had an even 50-50. I am trying to read more evenly Female-Male but we can't forget about nonbinary, I'll even take the co-authored as a good sign. It's kind of hard to keep this balance mostly because I don't always pay so much attention to this as I build my TBR and when I just grab additional books on the fly during the month its because they're available.
Self-reminder- be mindful while building TBRs and add more diversity of the identity of authors.
The other aspect I'm trying to diversity is in racial identity. So far I keep gravitating towards white mostly because that's what I have more available to me. I need to try a bit better.

This month I think I managed to win on the 'Around the world' challenge.

I'm predictably mostly reading authors from USA, followed by English ones. Again it's because those are the ones that I have more access to.

The silent goal was to read more ins Spanish and I wanted to read at least 1 book per week. That did not happen.

I am still trying to work towards reading more translated works and having a bigger ration for books in Spanish, clearly that has not happened yet. But its not my main focus, but I'll like to keep it in mind. Slowly but surely I should be able to improve it.
We are well on our way to completing the yearly challenge.

I am not exactly on top of my game, but I am so close that I'm giving it as a win for myself.