This is part of the Miss Marple #10 from 1964. I am not sure how many of her books I have read so far. This year it’s the 16th so I might be at the 30s by now, after all this is the second year I'm doing this challenge.
Miss Marple is in west indies islands. A few people in that hotel she's staying and her are trying to fill out the hours and spend their time in conversation. While there she meets several people and then one day after an interrupted conversation with an old man, a man is found dead. The official story is that it was natural causes- no one really checks it was 70 yo man so they assume he simply died of natural causes. There is a rumor about him having high blood pressure so they think that's the reason and move on.
Except Miss Marple, she is thinking about the interrupted conversation- the man was going to show her the picture of a murderer. A case where a dr. recognized a man who had been involved in two cases of sudden death of their spouse and even if the person in question changed their names- the methods were similar and he was recognized. The attitude during this conversation and his sudden change in the middle of it stays in her mind.
The picture is gone from the dead man, and so the poking starts. Miss Marple is the only one that finds it suspicious but then she includes the local retired dr. in the tale, he starts looking into with the police. The thing is that another death takes place- a chambermaid who insists that the dead man did not have any pills in his room until the very day he was found dead. So that would throw suspicion in the initial incident. The police comes back to investigate but they still have not related the two deaths- the first one is still considered natural so in their mind there is only one murder. The thing seems to be muddled.
The story is as usual going in circles because Miss Marple is not really keen in investigating in any formal way. It was still a very fun ride.
