I have slowed down my expenses about buying books, but then again after taking a look and placing them in paper, I realize I have not really stopped at all.

The month I bought the most amount was March, I was almost convinced that it was in August, but close enough- August was the second place. Surprisingly the amount spent does not correlate. The month I spent more was July.

I have been trying to get some of my books secondhand. It had mixed results really.

So the physical books:

I do have a very good mix. As you can tell I am still falling for buying books by people famous for another thing than writing:
-YouTuber Lilly Singh's second book, self-help and inspiration.
-Actor Norman Reedus which is a horror collection.
-A Sci-Fi (Dark Matter) I read it a few years ago, but I finally will get the y own copy.
-A few fantasy books, Iron Widow which has been going around in Booktok a lot. I am eager to get to it. And just because it looks interesting a YA book When You Trap a Tiger.
-The one I regret buying was the only book in Spanish, the short story collection just didn't vibe with me. I would need to reread it to see if I get a better feeling from it.
There were a few digital acquisitions:

I am eager to get through a few of the fantasy series. The downside is that I need to get through the second era of Mistborn before I can get to this one (Lost Metal).
The ebooks, well I read them but they were more of a chore than what I expected. I will probably not look for more works by the authors anytime soon.

I decided to get the Judy Moody series. I will enjoy rereading this series after so many years. I didn't really get through all of them. I hope the nostalgia isn't fooling me.
Some were picked because I want to read the book and then watch the movie to compare
-Water for elephants, I don't actually know much about it.
-The Girl Who Kicked the Hornest's nest but I need to read the first two of the series, oh well.
-A Walk to Remember, I have already seen the movie but the book i expect is going to be very emotional as well.
For audiobook

This fantasy book has been all over Booktok, but after looking more into it I might have been better off getting an ebook version. In audio format, it's going to be hard to keep all the details in order.

I have a fantasy series I really want to get to The Priory of the Orange Tree but its such a huge page count that is daunting to start it. I am looking forward to it anyway. And of course I want to get more into YA/ Children works so I got a few of them without knowing anything about them.
The last book is My lovely wife even if I have already read but again is one that I did not own. So I can reread it and add it to my collection.

For John Grisham's collection is increasing. I discovered that legal thrillers in audio are very enjoyable.
For the ebook, the story was very tough, especially because it represents a reality for many women. I am not eager to explore the topic, but it is a very necessary discussion. We need to expose it so the practice can have an opportunity to change.